For you, tourists in Pontianak 

What’s on your mind when you are requested to guide a foreigner to enjoy your hometown? Where will you bring them? I will be definitely glad to accompany people, especially the foreigners who have never visited Pontianak before to walk around and enjoy the city. 

I still remember few weeks ago I and Kak Ela, the current Director of American Corner Untan, accompanied Max Harrington from U.S Embassy. We visited some Pontianak landmarks, as well as tried the delicacies nyumm 😋 

Equator Monument

So, yes. The main destination that I recommend is Equator Monument. By the time I am writing this post, the landmark of Pontianak which is located at North Pontianak, Siantan is now being renovated. As far as I can observe, Pontianak government is now building and beautifying the city. When I visited the monument, the area around Tugu Khatulistiwa or Equator Monument was still under construction. I think there will be some shops for the visitors to buy the merchandises, also maybe one or two café, and a mini park for the kids. Additionally, as the Equator Monument is located near the Kapuas river, the government is also going to have a better waterfront there. I can’t wait for it to finish and ready to visit. I believe more tourists, both local and international ones will be definitely making the monument as their main traveling destination. 

3 of us with a biker from Banten, Pak Andik

Equator monument is not the only landmark that Pontianak has. We also have Kadriyah Palace (or Keraton Kadriyah) with its “magic mirror”, Masjid Jami’ with its wooden structure, Aloe Vera Center with the so-wow-good-quality aloe vera which has been exported to many countries, and don’t forget Masjid Mujahidin with the design which was inspired by Masjid Nabawi in Madinah, also Rumah Radakng, the pride of West Kalimantan citizen especially the Dayak tribe. Wow, one day is definitely not enough to visit them all! You need to stay here in Pontianak at least a week, because I haven’t mentioned other things to do that related to cuisines 😍

Yep! That’s true. 

Visiting a new city without trying the culinary sensation is like flying to different country but bringing no passport. Illegal! Hahaha such an exaggeration but that’s true, no? That’s why, when you come visiting Pontianak, or if you escort foreign people to enjoy Pontianak, don’t be that confused and clueless like there’s nothing to eat here in Pontianak. We have A LOT TO EAT. 

Coi Pan or popular with Chai Kue
Bubur padas khas Sambas

Those pictures are just two of many foods that we can try when visiting Pontianak. They are Chai Kue and Bubur Padas. My favorite 😋

Chai kue is a kinda snack which is made from all purpose flour, rice flour, a pinch of salt, vegetable oil, and water, with then filled with various kinds of delicious vegetables like juicy tuber (or Indonesian say bengkoang), taro (or talas), and green onions. It’s like dumplings but the taste is different, for sure. 

Another meal you have to try when visiting Pontianak is bubur padas. It’s originally from Sambas but you need 5 hours driving to go there. Don’t worry, we also have it here. Bubur padas is one of the healthy meals because it contains so many vegetables in one serving. For foreigners, even for local tourists who haven’t tried or seen bubur padas before, trying it will be such a challenge! A challenge for your stomach, also a challenge for your guts 😁

Chai kue and bubur padas are only two among many delicacies that Pontianak has. We still have bubur daging sapi (porridge with slice of beef), pisang goreng srikaya (fried banana with srikaya jam), not to mention some famous coffee shops and their different tastes, sate Pontianak (o yes, the satay of Pontianak is different from sate of other cities), pacri nanas (have you ever imagined that a pineapple can be processed as the side dish to a bowl of rice? Yes, we do it here in Pontianak 😁), sotong pangkong, lempar pengkang, oh now I’m hungry typing all those food to eat *mouth-watering*.

Just prepare your belly to have those delicacies occupying it.

So, are you ready to have memorable adventure in Pontianak? Go pack and fly now! Need people to guide and accompany you walk around and eat the food? I’m here ✌👋 

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